Who Is This CHick?


Hi! I’m Jaime, the Chick of the Woods. And that’s my Dog of the Woods, Ruby.

Of all things, mushrooms have called to me and I must be a part of them! I need to find, touch, smell, admire, and sometimes even taste them! They fascinate me. I dream about them. And they sincerely make me happy when I am with them.

I love sharing the magical world of mushrooms with others, so please consider joining me someday. But I’m warning you, a walk in the woods may never be the same again. Your pace will slow. Trails will be abandoned. Trees will be identified. And mushrooms will be found.

My Experience

I’ve been foraging since 2009.  I am a member of the Minnesota Mycological Society and North American Mycological Association and I also have three certifications for identification of and selling mushrooms.  

My Goals

My goal is to improve your confidence identifying mushrooms and other wild edibles in a fun and casual atmosphere.  I certainly don’t claim to know them all, but we will focus on getting you familiar with the more common species.  I want to serve as a launching pad for your future, life-long, foraging hobby.  Some of my personal goals include learning more species, becoming a better chef, and foraging around the world! Above all, I want the entire world to gain a greater appreciation for the importance and healing powers of nature.

Email us at info@chickofthewoods.com